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ESTA Application Form

Please fill in the form below. The form is filled out in Latin letters

  • Current Applicant information
  • Personal Information
  • Travel Information
  • Eligbility Questions
  • Review application
  • Complete

ESTA online application form for UK citizens



The following information is required of every non-immigrant visitor not in possession of a visitor's visa who is a national of one of the countries [1] listed in 8 CFR 217.2. Please enter all information requested. Each member of your traveling party must complete a separate application.

Please provide all responses in English.

* Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk.

Applicant / Passport information
Refer to your passport and enter all information in the same format.
For accurate results, make sure the Passport's entire biographic page is captured. the full width of the photograph and the photograph is not blurry.
One file only.
2 GB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Sample passport

This sample passport displays the information you will need from applicant's passport. Information must be entered exactly as it appears in passport.

Please enter all information in accordance with your passport details

Other Citizenship/Nationality

Are you now, a citizen or national of any other country?

Have you ever been a citizen or national of any other country?

IMPORTANT: Your applicant number will be sent to the email address entered below. You must verify your email address to complete your applicant.

Steps 1/6